Have you created a marketing plan for your Website? If not, it is time
to think about developing one. An Internet marketing plan helps you make
the right day-to-day and long term decisions. Without a marketing plan
it is more likely your Website will be a drain on finances rather than a
business builder.
Creating a marketing plan need not be scary
or difficult. It does not require a marketing degree or a lot of
experience. You do, however, need to put some quality time into writing
your plan. There are different ways to write a marketing plan one of
which is to create a marketing plan outline (or single summary page)
through a five step process.
5 Steps to Creating a Marketing Plan
Those five steps are:
1. Gather and Analyze Information
2. Verbalize Your Main Challenge(s)
3. Develop Your Website Objective(s)
4. Create Strategies
5. Choose Marketing Programs
As you create your marketing plan fill in the knowledge you gained while developing the five steps.
Step 1: Gather and analyze information.
will need information about your company, competitors, customers, and
other industry players to reference while creating the plan. This
includes all you can find about how the Internet is currently being
integrated in your industry with respect to products, promotions,
pricing structures, and distribution channels. From this information,
you can complete industry and SWOT analysis as well as identify your
target customers.
Step 2: Verbalize your main challenge(s).
down the main Internet related challenges you want to overcome as a
result of your plan. Referring to these main challenges will help keep
you focused while creating your marketing plan You may even want to
write your challenges down in question form - "How do we
_____________?". When your marketing plan is completed, it will answer
the question "How do I address these challenges?"
Step 3: Develop your Website objective(s).
objective addresses the "big picture". Your objective answers the
question "How will I overcome my main marketing challenge(s)?" in broad,
general terms. If your company's main site-related challenge is
figuring out how to use your Website to help build client business, for
example, an objective for your Website marketing plan could be "To
enhance online client service as well as build site awareness and
interest with clients."
Step 4: Create strategies for the marketing plan.
support your objective, defining the general approaches you will take
to meet your objective. For example, strategies to support the objective
outlined in Step 3 could include 1) improve online communication,
information, and education, 2) build awareness of and interest in your
company on the Internet, and 3) communicate the Website's existence and
advantages to existing clients.
Step 5: Choose marketing programs (tactics).
programs are where the action takes place - these are the things you
will do to bring your strategies to life. Marketing programs to support
strategy 2 in the above example (improve online communication,
information, and education) could include 1) sharing experience and
observations in your industry through participation in discussion
boards, 2) offering an email newsletter, and 3) listing/submitting your
site to targeted search engines and directories.
The Write Up
you have created a marketing plan summary by working through the five
steps, there are numerous ways to create an expanded write up. If you
are a company employee, there may be existing format and content you
must follow. You can find some write up suggestions in "What to Include
in Your Marketing Plan Write Up" at
http://www.websitemarketingplan.com/Arts/WritePlan.htm [out].
the initial plan is created, you should treat it as a work in progress.
Tweak and adjust as needed in response to changing conditions. Many
companies update marketing and business plans annually when developing
budgets for the coming year.
Whether you are a one-person shop
or part of a good-sized company, having a Website marketing plan can
help your business prosper on the Web.
Brochette Kyle draws
upon 12+ years of Marketing/Executive experience, Marketing MBA, and
online marketing research in her writing. Brochette is proprietor of the
Web Site Marketing Plan Network, http://www.WebSiteMarketingPlan.com,
and author of the marketing plan and Web promotion book "How Much For
Just the Spider? Strategic Website Marketing For Small Budget Business,"
( howmuchforspider.com/TOC.htm ).
© 2002, 2004 Brochette Kyle. All Rights Reserved.
Creating a Marketing Plan for Your Website

Online Marketing Strategies for Your Business From a Web Marketing Specialist
Online marketing is exciting, challenging and make your career in the
internet business and yet many people who depend on internet marketing
do not have a full take hold of of the fundamentals involved in online
marketing. Actually, a lot of internet entrepreneurs waste a lot of
time, energy and money because you do not fully understand internet
marketing. Do not let this lack of understanding can undermine your
income potential. Farmhand Hussein in Soulfully has over eight years of
marketable hands on internet marketing & web product development
knowledge and his specialties include Web Site Implementation, SEN- PPC
(Paid Search), Search Engine Optimization, E-mail & Social media
marketing. Farmhand Hussein has in intensity e-commerce and internet
brand information with experience in elevated volume transactions and
multi channel websites. Marketing is actually rather easy. Marketing is
communication about a thought, product, service or company.
Hussein Soulfully is an excited, self motivated personality, who
strives to accomplish and deliver the very best, enthusiastic to pursue a
profession in the energetic field of Information Technology and within
working surroundings that will in attendance innovative challenges and a
scope for progression. Farmhand Hussein - Soulfully have Skills Pro,
Ahrefs.com, Linked, Search metrics, Link Assistant, Google Analytics,
Google, Majestic SEO, SEO Google AdWords, SEO Power Suite, Microsoft Ad
Center and Webmaster Tools.
Farmhand Hussein has social media skills
like Facebook Advertising, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn,
Interest etc. He has web development skills like WordPress, Drupal,
Joomla, Blogger.com etc. He has good idea in programming language, her
programming skills are C#.NET, PHP, Java, HTML & Lisp Programming,
MS SQL Server & MySQL Databases and Oracle. For you to superior
appreciate internet marketing and its contact with your online business
you must know the answers to these questions. Marketing is broader than
simple advertising or promotion that includes market research to find
out what the customers are actually demanding and then just set out in
order to meet their needs with the product, price and allocation method.
Marketing includes market do research, deciding on products and prices,
advertising and promotion, distribution and sale.
Online Marketing
also covers all the behavior involved in moving goods and services from
the basis to the end user including making customers conscious of
products and services, attracting original customers to a product or
service, keeping accessible customers interested in manufactured goods
or service, and building and maintaining a client base for a product or
service. Internet marketing includes these same tricks but also pulls in
a variety of internet tools including web sites, email, magazines,
banner advertising, blogging search engine optimization, RSS, text
links, affiliates, auto responders, and other applications ecommerce.
range of Internet marketing expenses is huge. There are a number of
promotional and marketing initiatives that can cost nothing or just
pennies a day while other advertising efforts can cost thousands of
dollars a day. It is significant to think about your goals - both long
term and short term - as well as how much each potential consumer is
worth full for you. This will help you determine a budget that works for
your internet marketing campaign.
Marketing success is to stay connected
Direct marketing is a process that adds value to their clients€™ brand
value and is most focused in the market. The marketing process is
something that most companies have their own methods, but the core of
successful marketing is how effectively you measure your market and
organize your planning across all sectors of the market.
of the foremost marketing companies rely on its past marketing
experiences to promote the product and service of their clients. The
intention of the marketing is to know how to ascertain that your brand
sustain in the market among competitors and add value to the brand. Most
of the time it has been noted that companies with better products or
services fail to get that niche area to place their goodwill. It happens
because most companies are ignorant of the market and the consumer at
large. This is where marketing companies come into play as they know how
to make the presence of the product felt. It normally takes 4-5 months
to make a presence, but the wait is worth it and you can only make it
better with good planning.
Marketing companies like Magnum
Marketing Ltd need to know that they represent the face of their
clients€™ product, and IA€™s the reputation and brand value that is
attached with them that makes difference. Sometimes marketing companies
have to bend the rule of the book and go that extra mile to achieve
something. The idea is to bring about brand awareness. Sometimes you
have to customize your marketing service to fit the need of the client.
As economics work, most market is defined by the way demand takes place,
the more the demand the more supply. So companies have to make sure
they are right on target in the right time to cater the needs of the
consumer, before others. The brand value is another set of example that
will keep the customers flocking to you, so you just have to create that
brand awareness.
Marketing companies should represent the face
of their clients and every campaign should be more about how to make an
impact. If possible to customize each and every individual€™s choice
will work wonders, since not many companies can do that. To have a
straight set of process with less flexibility serves no purpose and
clients has to look outside for better service. The wider aspect of
direct marketing and the success is purely based on how well you operate
with clear understanding of the market and product.
Every Successful Small Business Should Have a Marketing Plan
President Dwight D. Eisenhower said "In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." What I believe he meant by that is that circumstances change, battle lines change, and the enemy makes new plans but the mere act of planning always gave him advantages.
Planning for your business gives you clarity, helps you to think about your business long term. Planning for your marketing is just as crucial. You may spend a week planning and then put the plans on the shelf until next year but in the act of planning is found the key to your business success.
Today the options for getting the word out about your business are endless; electronic media, billboards, newspaper, social media, mobile marketing, email marketing, direct mail, and I have not yet scratched the surface.
If you are like most small business and I am speaking now about what I would call brick and mortar business. You have several sales people call on you each week. Some may even be your friends. It is easy to fall into the trap of buying special deals that only serve the individual you are buying from and not your business.
But if you have a plan and a budget you will not be swayed. Your marketing will have direction and if you have done your research and stick to your plan making changes when necessary your business will grow.
Take the time to sit down and think about your business and if need be get help and advice from others. Marketing is more than advertising it is everything you do to affect the opinion and purchasing decision of customers. From what a customer sees when they enter your business to decisions about display to proper training of employees.
A great marketing plan delves into every aspect of your business and every part of your business that affects the customer and their decision to buy or leave. The marketing plan must include a budget.
The budget can include but not be limited to advertising costs, uniform costs if applicable. Training of employees should be included and ongoing. Make sure as you roll out the marketing plan you include your employees in the plan. Your employees are on the front line each day and may know your customers and their needs and wants better than you.
Take the time now to write your marketing plan and it will pay dividends long term. Don't worry if you struggle at first and your first efforts are imperfect. As you continue to work on marketing in your business you will get very good at planning and you will have a huge advantage over those businesses that do no planning at all.